The school lecturers are all well known researchers and scientists in different
areas of biometric systems, both from academia and industry. The reputation
of the lecturers will assure the highest standard for the school lectures.
(Industrial exploitation of biometric technologies)
Motorola, USA
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Lecture abstract
Dr. Charles BEUMIER
(Advanced 3D face recognition)
Royal Marine Academy, Belgium
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Lecture abstract
Prof. Joseph BIGUN
(Feature extraction techniques in biometric systems)
Professor of Signal Analysis
Halmstad University and Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
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Lecture abstract
Dr. Farzin DERAVI
(Standardization and assessment of biometric systems)
Department of Electronics,
University of Kent,
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Lecture abstract
(Signature recognition)
Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg, Germany
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Lecture abstract

Dr. Patrick FLYNN
(Large-scale database acquisition and management)
University of Notre Dame, USA
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Lecture abstract
Prof. Joseph KITTLER
(Face recognition and multimodal classifiers)
Head, Vision, Speech
and Signal Processing
University of Surrey
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Lecture abstract
Prof. Davide MALTONI
(Fingerprint recognition and evaluation tests)
Computer Science Department
Università di Bologna
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Lecture abstract
Prof. John MASON
(Speaker recognition and visual recognition)
Faculty of Engineering, University of Wales Swansea, UK
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Lecture abstract
Prof. Marc NIXON
(Gait and posture biometrics)
School of Electronics and Computer Science at the University of Southampton,
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Lecture abstract
(Multimodal database acquisition and management)
Professor of Computer Science
Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain
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Prof. Alice O'TOOLE
(Human face recognition)
University of Texas at Dallas, USA
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Lecture abstract
Dr. Giuseppe PARZIALE
(Advanced 3D fingerprint technology)
TBS Holding AG, Switzerland
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Lecture abstract
Prof. Nalini RATHA
(Large scale biometrics identification)
IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, USA
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Lecture abstract
Prof. Ben A. M. SCHOUTEN
(Biometric systems and applications)
Signals and Images
Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science
P.O. Box 94079 1090 GB
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
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Lecture abstract
Prof. Tieniu TAN
(Human identification from the iris)
National Laboratory for Pattern Recognition, CAS Institute of Automation,
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Lecture abstract
Prof. Massimo TISTARELLI
School Director
(Dynamic Face recognition)
Computer Vision Laboratory
University of Sassari
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Lecture abstract
Prof. Alessandro VERRI
(Machine learning techniques for biometrics)
Department of Computer Science
University of Genova
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Lecture abstract
(Signature recognition)
Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg, Germany
Short biography
Lecture abstract